Gluten-free vegan diet can cure arthritis


Do you have any problem with arthritis? Don’t know how to tackle them, and then read on to know …

The diet which is gluten-free can cause relief to the joints, and at the same time reduces the risk of heart failures and a joint ache problem in the future, says the study.

Researches from the Sweden divided 66 arthritis patients into two groups. They randomly assigned 38 people to eat gluten-free diet and other 28 are assigned to eat non-Veg diet though, it is well balanced for 1 year.

It has been found that, those are to eat gluten-free diets which raised their natural anti-bodies to fight against inflammatory damaging compounds like phosphorylchroline, which can cause arthritis.

The diet which also lowered cholesterol levels and plump levels in the body which are said be the primary reasons to cause heart attacks.

Got it!! So Put your sedentary habits aside and stick to gluten free- food.