Aamir Khan’s Dangal movie, released on Friday, is running to packed houses. While it collected Rs 30 crore on first day, Rs 35 crore were collected on second day.If collections on Christmas, i.e., on Sunday also gets added, then Dangal might cross Rs 100 crore collection in the first weekend itself. When everything is appearing fine and Dangal team was about to start celebrations, a big jolt came from unexpected quarter for Dangal team.Aamir Khan received a huge shock from Facebook. A Pakistani national has uploaded Dangal movie on Facebook, thus starting a new trend of social media piracy. The movie was watched by more than eight lakh people within hours after being uploaded on Facebook.Full movie uploading on Facebook gave a rude shock to Aamir Khan and his team. Dangal team immediately informed about the piracy to Facebook. Fortunately Facebook responded quickly and the video was removed. However damage has been done in the meantime.Piracy has become a big problem for movies and Dangal’s example is the latest one. However it is still not known from where did the uploader get full movie, to upload on Facebook.