Karan Johar's 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' (ADHM) has minted over Rs 150 crore since its release.According to a statement issued by the film's makers, the movie has raked in Rs 169.26 crore worldwide. The total India box office collection till now is Rs 114.55 crore and overseas Rs 54.71 crore."ADHM had a tremendous week one and we are thankful to the audiences for celebrating love this Diwali with this Karan Johar entertainer. The film has been a runaway hit with the audiences worldwide, making close to 170 crore gross in just one week, which is absolutely phenomenal," said Vijay Singh, CEO, Fox Star Studios.ADHM, which was surrounded by controversies due to the presence of Pakistani actor Fawad Khan, released on October 28. It features Ranbir Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Anushka Sharma.Singh added: "Overseas the film has been a smash hit with week one coming just under Salman Khan's 'Sultan'. We are expecting a strong second weekend worldwide. It is great to have a hit during Diwali and it validates that great love stories is what people want to watch during festive season."Produced by Dharma Productions and Fox Star Studios, the film also features a cameo by superstar Shah Rukh Khan.