The Eco Warrior is back


It's easy for celebrities to urge people to care and be concerned for their environment and to be responsible in protecting the other living creatures in the planet.

After all just a few words is what is needed for the task.

John Abraham has not just gone a step further, but has now surged ahead a great deal and is the true Bollywood icon for the young and the old alike to emulate in every respect.

He became the most successful model turned actor setting trends by his looks for the youth long ago.

Now he has shown that it is not just his sharp features and chiseled physique that makes up his persona but also a strong determination to practice what he preaches.

The man who recently won the Eco-Warrior award for doing his bit for the helpless caged elephants in Maharashtra by taking efforts to rehabilitate them is all set to use his resources to make a film on the plight of the fast dwindling tiger population in India.

The film will be titled as 'Return of the Tigers' and will be directed by the film maker and environmentalist Mike Pandey.

The film will be produced by John Abraham Entertainment Company which the model/actor launched lately and will start its shooting in October.

The film will not have any stars to add glamour but instead will be having four tiger cubs as the lead characters.

The film will be made from the tiger cubs point of view on the challenges faced by the national animal of India's struggle to be alive withstanding the fast declining habitat, human intervention into their territories, difficulty in finding animals of prey, poaching for their vital organs and attractive skin and the troubles of the helpless animals when tourism is promoted not considering the sensitiveness of their already fragile living terrains.

This is what can be called as sincere and from the heart concern for protecting nature.

When both big and small production houses are investing crores of rupees in movies, John has gone for a project that is not focused on making profit out of it.

John Abraham, we salute your spirit for this great way of giving back something to keep up the nature's ecosystem in balance.

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