AVM: A pleasent surprise

by mymazaa.com

The film 'Sivaji-The Boss', was a super-duper grosser. The best part is that long after this blockbuster film has come and gone it still plays a vital part in making news. Thanks to the aura called Rajinikanth! It was AVM that had produced 'Sivaji-The Boss', which also got a great share of the profit amassed by this film.

The news that we are going to reveal right now will be melody to your ears.

AVM has once again set an example for all the others in the field to follow. AVM has decided to share the profit that 'Sivaji' fetched, with the staff and technicians of AVM, for whom this glad tiding is well deserved. Along with the salary of this month all 347 employees of AVM will receive a bonus package of Rs. 25,000/-. That is real good money indeed!

The staffs of AVM who are over whelmed by this announcement don't seem to find the right words to thank AVM as well as the superstar without whom this would have been possible.

Though many have the money, it is very rarely that people share it among those who are involved in the project, and AVM has proved to be one such rare group yet again!