It is hero to villain and vice-versa in my career Rebel Star


Senior artiste and Rebel Star Krishnamraju is one among the good heroes the Telugu film industry ever has. Krishnamraju started his career as hero through 'Chilaka Gorinka' under K Pratyagatma's direction. As the film turned a flop, he did not get any chance as hero again.

A couple of producers and directors gave him an opportunity to play villain in their films. When he was facing a mental agony about his image, as playing villain would hamper his image, the late LV Prasad suggested him to play villain.

He advised Krishnamraju to keep playing some role in films and stay in touch with the film industry without leaving any available opportunity.

If an artiste continues to stay in the stream, he could grab all kinds of opportunities and one should not keep himself restricted that he should do only hero's roles.

If the artiste restricts himself with particular roles, there are chances of industry forgetting about that artiste. Heeding to his advice, Krishnamraju continued his career as villain, and again became a hero, and earned the title as a Rebel Star.

Incidentally, he explained his experiences to Padma Shri, Dr Mohanbabu and gave the same advice to him at a latter date.