Lesser Known Facts About Pawan Kalyan

by mymazaa.com

Today, Power Star Pawan Kalyan celebrates his 46th birthday in a quiet way and his fans are celebrating it by carrying out various social service activities and even trending several hashtags.

On his uncle's birthday, Allu Sirish decided to reveal several unknown tidbits about the Power Star. Sirish wished Pawan via Twitter and revealed that Pawan is a regular practitioner of naturopathy and that he hardly uses cosmetics but consumes natural products like amla, neem and sikakai juice.

Describing Pawan as a Yogi, Sirish said that Pawan, being an ardent follower of yoga, practices Ashtanga yoga, a difficult form of yoga where asanas are performed using a rope for the perfect control over mind and body.

Sirish also revealed how emotional a person Pawan is and recalled in 2007 accident. Sirish met with a car accident and was in ICU. Pawan, even though Sirish wasn't close to him, rushed to hospital and was tearyeyed when he saw the injured Sirish on the bed.