Parijatham - Soft is in


The good run of Parijatham has given Kollywood a pleasant surprise. Considered a hero-oriented industry, the good response to the soft romantic tale has surprised many in the trade.

Scripted and directed by K Bhagyaraj, Parijatham featuring Prithviraj and Saranya is witnessing a decent run. Has the tastes and preferences of audience changing?

According to Bhagyaraj, 'Certainly not. Audience have always been receptive to good films. Movies with strong storyline and script have always clicked'.

A good movie should have a good story, an engrossing script and artistes who can give life to the whole idea conceived by the director, he adds.

A section of distributors do feel that the good opening for movies like Parijatham would embolden others to come out with such movies. People are tired of watching similar themes and overdose of violence these days. Thankfully Parijatham came at the right time.