Prem Misses Chandra Promotion Again!


Looks like the rift between 'Lovely Star' Prem the hero of 'Chandra' and director Roopa Iyer is not yet over. When Roopa Iyer had organised for a press meet last Monday, Prem restrained from attending the press meet due to various reasons. Prem had said that 'Chandra' is his film and he will be promoting the film in future.

But Prem's absence was again noticed at another press meet recently held in Bangalore. It was the press meet organised in Kormangala's EZONE, which was attended by Padmashri Vivek, Roopa Iyer, Ganesh Venkataraman and others. The ace comedian Vivek had flown down from Chennai to attend the press meet and release the video songs of the film. Though Vivek and Ganesh had come from Chennai to Bangalore, Prem who is a localite was absent during the press meet.

When Prem had declared that he will definitely promote the film and it is his job to do so, then why didn't he turn up at the press meet? Didn't Prem get an invitation from the film team to address the pressmeet? Is yet to be answered.