Sakkarakatti Spectacular visuals


A noteworthy point worth mentioning is that 'Sakkarakatti' starring Santhanoo has song sequences that have tremendous visuals developed by Ocher Studios in Chennai owned by Soundarya Rajinikanth.

The song 'Chinnama' shows the hero fighting Egyptian Mummies as he walks through a deep mountain valley. This song reportedly jells with the attitude of the protagonist.

There are other sequences that depict fireballs being bombarded onto a meadow. All the 'graphics' part have come out in a spectacular manner making the entire unit of 'Sakkarakatti' very happy.

Two songs were screened at the recently held audio launch function. A. R. Rahman's music is indeed the highlight of the film and all the songs have come good.

There are also reports that suggest certain sets that have been erected resembling the 'Van Helsing' effect. Another special effect includes a twister in all its angry might.

A. R. Rahman and Ocher Studios might just be the right foil for some spectacular entertainment.