Shannon amazes with her all around act in SEI


What is expected from a Hindi film heroine in a typical Bollywood setup. Emote well, look well, dance well and when required, show good comic timing as well!

Good to see that Shannon, an import from the West, does all of that (and quite convincingly at that!) in her very first Hindi film 'Salaam E Ishq' where she plays the 'Maaeddam' who has come 'saat samandar paar' to be with her boyfriend, who by the way turns out to be as worthless as one can.

She amazes with her seamless portrayal of a girl lost in love who struggles her way along with her man-in-charge Raju Taxiwaala [Govinda] and runs around half the Northern India before settling down to the fact that Raju was the one meant for her.

Throughout the film's length, she succeeds in peeping the audience's interest alive and entertainers with her heartwarming performance as she displays all range of emotions.

And if there is one scene where the loudest claps are heard in the auditorium, it is the one in the climax featuring her where she gives a piece of mind in Hindi to the people who could have been her in-laws if only her boyfriend hadn't been such a loser!

Now can we have her in more movies again please?