Shruti Haasan clears in her tiff with Gautami


Recently, there were reports that Shruti Haasan engaged in an ugly fight with Gautami over the costumes for Sabash Naidu. Clearing the air, the starkid's spokesperson issued a statement saying that Shruti added creative elements from her collections to emphasise Gautami's design.

The statement reads, "While being very hands on, Shruti always ensures she's collaborating with the producer and director to freeze on her look so that everyone's vision is taken into account. Her role in her father's film is that of a young, feisty gal who's grown up in Los Angeles, who uses fashion as an expression of her quirky and devil may care attitude. Keeping this brief in mind, Gautami brought in a set of clothes for Shruti when the look test was happening in the pre production stage.

Styling being a collaborative and subjective effort, needs inputs from the producer, director and the actor and giving the stylist feedback, redoing looks etc is standard procedure. The core team mutually felt the look needed more to be added and specific feedback was shared with Gautami.

Being a thorough professional herself, Gautami understood and brought in a new lot of clothes which seemed to work better. Shruti infact, added in elements from her own closet to help Gautami and to really make the looks pop given that she has lived in LA herself and is someone with a very distinctive sense of style."