Wedding bells, loud and clear


Its marriage bells ringing for Manoj Bharathy, Arun Vijay and Renuka Menon now.

Yesterday, the heroine of the films Dass, February 14 and Kalabha Kadhalan, Renuka Menon formally entered the portals of 'marriagedom.'

She got married to a software engineer from the US, Suraj, in her home State Kerala.

On Friday morning in Chennai, up and coming hero Arun Vijay (Arun Kumar) got married in a glittering function, at a star hotel.

It was a star studded affair with mighty of the land at hand to wish the young ones. Arun Vijay is the son of Vijay Kumar.

Later in the day, there is a grand marriage reception for Manoj Bharathy and Nandana.

The two got married last month in Kerala.

This being Bharathiraja's family wedding, a host of biggies in Tamil Nadu can be expected to be present on the occasion.