What Is Telugu Media's Stand on Demonetization?

by mymazaa.com

Modi's sarkar is currently facing the ire of the common man owing to its sensational ban of high currency notes. Since the intention of the decision appeared morale booster there was no much criticism initially. But then, while executing the plan black money holders remained to have been in the same old position while common men turned out to be the huge victims.

It is interesting to learn the stand being taken up by Telugu Media on demonetization. Initially, most of the pro TDP and a few other Telugu Media as usually tried to support Modi's decision. Since they understood the people's fury and their deprivation, they gradually changed their stand and started focusing on people's woes.

A 9 rated number one channel must be appreciated for its stand in favour of the common people since day one of demonetization. Besides, every night at 11 pm economists are clarifying the doubts of people on after shocks of demonetization, income tax related questions etc. CBN Chandrajyothi and other pro TDP media are reluctantly criticizing Modi. Meanwhile, an opposition party's newspaper and its TV channel is giving good coverage on people's hardships at banks, ATMs and their family issues. This media too deserves an appreciation from the media critics.

And last but not the least, a media baron's newspaper is blindly supporting BJP's decision and is not in a position to reflect people's problems. In short, the newspaper turned out to be a pamphlet for BJP, especially for Modi. Digging out the reasons for it, it is learnt that this media icon is seriously trying to become President of India.