CIA suicide attack mastermind Haqqani was ''goodness personified'' in US eyes in 1980s


It has now been shockingly admitted that the suicide bombing that killed seven CIA employees in eastern Afghanistan this week was masterminded by warlord and one-time key CIA ally Jalaluddin Haqqani.

In the 1980s, Texas politician Charlie Wilson described Haqqani as “goodness personified”, and now, he is believed to have ordered the attack from his hideout in Pakistan.

His suspected role in the deadliest incident for CIA forces in 25 years highlights both the shifting nature of alliances forged by Western involvement in the region, and the difficulty of telling friend from foe in today''s conflict.

The Pakistani Taliban yesterday made the astonishing claim that it was behind the bombing in a bid to harm the CIA''s ability to launch missile strikes inside Pakistan.

But Pentagon officials quoted by The New York Times suggested that the suicide bombing in Khost Province was a revenge strike for counter-insurgency operations led by the CIA against the so-called Haqqani network. ]

During the 1980s, Mr Haqqani was a respected commander battling, with Western support, against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. After they withdrew, he became a member of the US-approved coalition that formed the post-occupation government.

Haqqani received thousands of dollars in financial support, arms shipments and provided the US with valuable intelligence.

But after the Taliban seized power, he became more hostile to the West.

After 9/11, he forged links with Osama bin Laden, was named number three on the hit-list of America''s most wanted.

Wilson retained a fondness for him.

Last year, he said: "I''d love to see him. I''d try to persuade him the Taliban was a force for destruction – which he definitely wasn''t." (ANI)