Diabetes, a global concern: Gilani

Diabetes, a global concern: Gilani


Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has said that World Diabetes Day 2011 being observed on November 14 around the world draws our attention to the lethality of disease and underscores the need of preventive measures at individual and collective levels.

The purpose of observing this day is to highlight the importance of diabetes as a global health threat and to undertake concerted efforts to cope with the disease in a proactive manner, the Prime Minister said in his message on the occasion of World Diabetes Day.

The Prime Minister said the facts and figures released by the International Diabetes Federation make a startling disclosure. According to these figures, he said, around 366 million people suffer from diabetes and out of this staggering number of 4.6 million deaths take place due to diabetes.

He said the cost of treatment and care for diabetic patients annually amounts to about 465 billion dollars in the neighbourhood. What must be a matter of global concern the Prime Minister said is the fact that despite such a huge spending, diabetes remains on the upward trajectory as one person is killed by it after every eight seconds.

The Prime Minister said it is in the above context that five-year programme 2009-13 launched by International Diabetes Federation on “Diabetes Education and Prevention” assumes key focus.

Middle of current year provides an ample opportunity to review the outcome of global efforts against diabetes, identify loopholes and make mid-course policy corrections to maximize the outcome, the Prime Minister added.

The slogan chosen for this year, namely “Act on Diabetes, now” lends urgency to our efforts to save the humanity from the deadly effects of this disease, he said and added we need to put the facts right about the diabetes.

The Prime Minister said diabetes is a killer, which is taking the life of one person out of every eight hundred, adding, this disease hits people of all age groups, rich and poor alike without any discrimination.

Media is well suited to play its important role in sensitizing people to the dangers of diabetes and urging upon the need of taking all measures to stay healthy and fit through change of life style and day-to-day habits, he added.

Daily exercise, weight control and proper diet can minimize its total effects, he said, adding, patients suffering from the disease can be educated to benefit from proper control of blood sugar through diet and medications. They should also be educated about self-care such as home blood testing and insulin injections, the Prime Minister said.