Dogs can smell Cancers

Dogs can smell Cancers


It has been a universal facts that Dogs are always been a master of smelling. Once again it has been proved right in cancer detection. Puzzled, how dogs do that…

A study conducted in Kyushu University in Japan under the research of Dr. Hideto Sonoda. It has been found that dogs apparently smelled 12 types of cancers. Dogs are trained for water rescue until cancer study.

The sole aim of the study is whether can be detected by its odour or not.

In the study made by Sonoda on 40 cancer patients and 320 healthy people and test was conducted from November to June, as dog’s sensory smelling power decreases in sultry summer. They discovered that, eight years old female Labrador can smell the odour cancer with cent percent accuracy.

The test was undertaken three times and they have found that, dogs can smell colorectal cancer even people who are smokers and suffering from stomach diseases.

They concluded in the report that a particle scent exists for cancer cells.