Prolonged sitting? The silent back killer!

Prolonged sitting? The silent back killer!


A study conducted by SGH shows that 80% of Singaporeans will suffer from back pain at least once in their life. The scary fact is that once you suffer from back pain, you are more at risk of getting back pain again and again. If left unchecked, it could cost businesses more, in the form of absenteeism, increase health care costs and falling productivity and staff morale.

There are several causes of back pain, but our lifestyle is an important factor. We know for a FACT that obesity, lack of exercise and even PROLONGED SITTTING increases the rates and severity of back pain. This is good news, because it means YOU can do something about it!

Your back is a fantastic structure. Capable of withstanding large amounts of force, yet flexible enough for you to bend in several different directions. Part of the credit goes to your intervertebral DISCS. They act as shock absorbers for your back much like the suspension in a car. Strong, flexible but also capable of wear and tear. The interesting thing is that when you sit down, there is actually a 30% increase in the amount of force going through these discs! Additionally in the sitting position, the force no longer is centered in the middle of the disc (where it is designed to take the weight), it shifts to the front of the disc. This uneven weight distribution, coupled with the increase force tends to push the disc (nucleus) in the opposite direction backwards!

Over time there may be structural changes, from overstretched ligaments to weakened muscles. Eventually pain may set in and depending on the severity of the disc bulge, the pain you feel can be across your back, or even down your thigh and leg. So consider how much we sit in our everyday lives and you will see why back pain is so common in our modern world. From the time you wake up to eat breakfast, to resting at home in your sofa, you are sitting the whole way! No wonder our backs hurt. So what can you do?

Try this simple exercise called the McKenzie Back Extension exercise once per day, and it not only improves your flexibility but helps restore normal disc shape and integrity. Push yourself up lifting only your shoulders off the floor. Hold for 1-2 seconds and slowly lower yourself. Do 10 repetitions slowly, but stop if there is any pain.

So do try to look after your spine. Start today and feel the difference exercise and Physiotherapy makes! And please seek advice if you do get back pain in the future, from a Physiotherapist or a Doctor. The earlier you do it, the better! Your back will