Why You Should Eat Fat To Get Fit

Why You Should Eat Fat To Get Fit


Recently, I have been following a continuing debate in the medical community about diet, and the amount of fat you should have in your diet. If you're a little bit like me, you wish that there was a magic pill that could take care of this, but nobody has that formula at present, and maybe we never will.

But some studies have shown a remarkable relationship between fish oil and weight loss,
and it doesn't matter which healthy diet you are following. The medical community has been aware of the health benefits of fish oil for some time, but there had never been a published relationship between fish oil and weight loss.

In May of 2007, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition mentions this:

"The test group which incorporated essential fatty acids into their weight loss plan lost more body fat than all the other test groups, combined."

That is startlingly good news for everyone trying to drop a pound or two, including me.

What isn't known is why EPA/DHA (essential fatty acids) get this done.

I could postulate a number of reasons why I think this happens, but I'll let the researchers do that, and talk about their conclusion, which is that you can lose more weight with fish oil in your diet, than without.

The researchers also found that a combination of fish oil and exercise worked best, something I've saying for quite some time.

Something else: It was also found that there was a direct relationship between the quality of the fish oil used and the price, and the studies suggested that people not skimp, by buying low priced fish oils.

My fish oil isn't cheap. It's one of the more expensive brands on the market, and always will be, because here at the command center, quality is the number one issue. You couldn't get a higher quality fish oil, even with a prescription. Let's face it--you get what you pay for.