2.0 grows even bigger! Here is the new Budget of the Movie

Shankar's 2.0 featuring Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar in the lead roles, was earlier said to have budgeted at 350 Crore Indian Rupees. And now it has been extended to 400 crores making it even bigger."We have decided to make sure that the film really measures up to Hollywood standards. We are spending more money to enhance the visual effects of the film,” said Raju Mahalingam, Creative Head, Lyca Productions.2.0 is now the most costliest film in the Indian cinema, and also the second costliest film in Asia. The film is already on the peak of buzz after the relese of the first look posters and teaser last month. And now the makers have informed that they are getting requests from distributors in different countries like Brazil, Argentina, to release the movie.So we can expect the film to be get the biggest ever opening for an Indian film in the worldwide market.