3 Years After On The Same Day...

Young hero Naga Chaitanya's Sahasam Swasaga Sagipo (SSS) shooting was begun on November 11th in 2013. Coincidentally, the film is releasing on November 11th 2016- exactly 3 years after first day of shoot. The film's release got postponed uncountable times owing to financial and other issues.SSS was termed crazy project when it was launched, as hero Naga Chaitanya and director Gautam Menon previously delivered a super hit with Ye Maaya Chesave. The project has music by AR Rahman and all songs were chartbusters.The Naga Chaitanya and Manjima Mohan pair appeared fresh and first look posters as well as teaser had got thumbs up response. However, they failed to continue the same interest by delaying the project. Further damage occurred with first trailer which appeared unpersuasive.It seems like; they are wishing to cash in on the success of Chaitu's last outing Premam. On the other hand, problems have been sorted out for Tamil version too.With new josh, the Telugu producers have released a new trailer recently is imposing. Let's see whether this film which is releasing after long delay will bring smiles to producers and distributors or not!