Talking at the press meet of Niruttara, produced by actress Bhavana and directed by Apoorva Kasaravalli, Aindrita Ray did not sigh away from openly discussing the issues, the actresses has been facing in the Kannada industry. Aindrita, who is around since a long time, said that she did not have a considerable pay raise ever since she entered films. Aindrita Ray stated that the ctresses get only five percent of what heroes are being paid.

"I have good offers, but when it comes to the discussion of pay, I get dropped from the film for demanding what I am worth of. In every film industry, heroines are paid less than heroes." "But here in Kannada, the difference in the remuneration of the heroes and heroines is huge. We are not getting paid at least 5 percent of what the heroes are getting and that's what making me upset" "Off late, I have heard good scripts and I wanted to do the projects. But, because of the pay issues, I am was not able to sign those films", she further added However, Aindrita is not the first one to talk about the disparities in the industry. Actress Ramya also had voiced her opinion on the same issue, earlier.