Anthony Gonsalves and THE HOUSE OF HORRORS

House of Horrors to be launched in Ahmedabad

Through the world of cinema we have experienced unseen horrors. It will now be possible to have a brush with these mind-boggling creatures of our imagination at the " House of Horrors" which is all set to be launched for the first time in Ahmedabad at the Iskon Mall, after their success in Mumbai and Pune. A common sight abroad it is more often a part of theme parks and now in India this will be their third opening.

House Of Horrors is a joint effort by Satish Reddy and Dr. Tanaz Irani.

" The House of Horrors is a unique concept where it give the visitor a thrilling, spine chilling, hair raising, goose bump creating experience through a 10 ' 15 minute tour. Here we have made an effort to give people horror experience like never before," says Dr. Tanaz Irani.

The entire team of the upcoming movie "My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves', which includes actress Amrita Rao, Nikhil Dwivedi and director E.Niwas will grace the opening and other celebraties like Tanaaz Currim, Bhaktiyar Irani, Neha Ahuja (Miss India Asia), Shibani Kashyshap. Siddharth Kannan, Sambhavana Sheth, Munisha Khatwani and Salman Ahmed from Madame Tussauds London, will be present.

House Of Horrors has Top Twelve walkthrough attractions. As you enter your heart will shiver and as you proceed to a jungle which creates an ambience with breathtaking snakes, bats, etc. and the loneliness walk brings you into the isolated graveyard with gory dead bodies lying with skeletons, heads on sticks. The computer-generated sound effects are a thing to watch out for.

"The market for horror comprising the movies and such amusement parks is worth 30 million in the US, the Indian market however is untapped. Also it is meant for all age groups, the grit to face the skulls and ghostly shadows specially designed to scare the wits out of you. We have attempted to Indianize this horrifying concept of the west," says Satish Reddy.

Well, if you thought horror was only limited to the movies, The House of Horrors proves otherwise'