'Change the film's title' writer Padmanabhan furious

Actor Napoleon's next film has been titled 'Pallikondapuram'. This happens to be the name of a novel written by popular Tamil writer Neela Padmanabhan. Highly literary in nature this novel has been translated in to various languages such as Hindi, Malayalam, Urdu, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarathi, Assamese, Telugu, Oriya, Kannada and Bengali, and stands as an iconic inference to Tamil literature.

Tamil filmdom has become subject to naming their films with the same names of earlier productions calling this 'fashionable'. Names of literary works and novels are also being used as movie titles these days.

Writer Padmanabhan's comments are along these lines. 'Is this a clear sign that marks dearth of creativity in Tamil films or is it a cheap gimmick in pursuit of cashing in on previous successes?'

Whichever it may be, the writer is furious and has appealed to the filmmakers to make an unconditional change to their film's tile. The writer has also made it very clear that no one had approached him for permission. Even if they did, he is in no frame of mind to relent.

The Tamil Writers Association of Thiruvananthapuram is representing Neela Padmanabhan's cause.

When a creative writer is so very passionate about his work, one feels the filmmakers would have to go for a name change.