Ganga Cauvery from Himalayas!

Akshaya Productions maiden venture 'Ganga Cauvery' shot at the highest peak surroundings of this country starring Akshay, Mallika Kapoor, Mahi, Thara, two famous journalists Ganesh Kasargod and B.Ganapathi has returned from 15 days shooting in the beginning of snow fall at Himalaya.

The 150 crew that went to Himalaya held the muhurut of the film 'Ganga Cauvery' at Gangotri the genesis place of Ganga River. The shooting was held at Harshil village, Bagodi, Gangotri, Batawadi, Bajora, Uttar Kashi, Haridwar and Hrishikesh says debut director Vishnukanth. The 15 scenes, two songs and two bit songs cost Rs.35 to 40 lakhs for the producer for the first schedule.

Producer Venkatappa is brimming with happiness because the nature supported the unit to shoot the required portions. When some of the Hindi films found it difficult to shoot the Kannada film team had the great opportunity he said. This will be a visual treat to the audience of Karnataka feels Venkatappa.

Actress Thara, journalist Ganesh Kasargod, lyricist and music director K.Kalyan, hero Akshay shared the shooting experience with the media on Sunday evening.