Jalsa: 9th place in the overall ratings

Allu Aravind, the happy and proud producer of the mega hit 'Jalsa' shared the secrets of his success with the media.

He urged other big time producers to follow his steps and release around 3 to 4 big films to improve the revenue status of Telugu cinema in a big way so that Tollywood will be a regular in the World movie statistics.

He told that time has come to increase the capacity of the cinema halls and better environment should be created for watch the films.

He gave out the reason for calling the media personalities for a meet as only to let others in the industry know about the success formula he adopted for 'jalsa'.

He told the media that the way in which he, the production team and the other crew members of the film planned the production, marketing and presentation of the film, if accepted by others can become a great trendsetter for the Telugu film industry.

Allu Aravind also told that 'Box Office Movies' an organization that monitors and releases the total collections earned in a week by all the films released in the world, have made it known that 'Jalsa' has got 9th place in the overall ratings and has collected Rs.21 crores in a week.

Labelling 'Jalsa' as the landmark that has proven the potential of Telugu Cinema, Allu said that there is an immediate need to fully tap the full power an potential of the industry.

The producer told the media about the various ways in which he and his team brought success for their mega hit movie.

He told that a new movie should attract the people with the force of its publicity tactics. This can be done with a great title, a famous lead hero or with great music.

The audio launch should be given wide publicity so that more and more people will buy the audio.

He also reveled that 'Jalsa' was released in 1000 centers as against the normal procedure of releasing in a maximum of 500 opening centers.

Thus in the first week itself around 1.17 crore people could see the film. The grand publicity given to the film before its release ensured that in a short time more people came to watch the film.

Hope others too share your success tricks, Allu.