MAMI to kick off at IMAX in Mumbai

Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) 's 8th Annual International Film Festival will kick start at Imax Wadala from the 23rd March 2006 and will go on for a span of 7 days till 30th March 2006.

It is during the span of these seven days that movie lovers will get to see not just Indian but films from across the globe under one roof. There will be more than 100 films showcased from 30 countries.

The festival will open with French film maker Christophe Barratier's Chorus and will close with the screening of Deepa Mehta's critically acclaimed Water.

The centerpiece is James Ivory's White Countess. The festival will pay a tribute to many filmmakers from around the world- from Italy's Roberto Rossellini to India's Prithviraj Kapoor. Several documentaries will also be screened.

Filmmaker Yash Chopra will be felicitated for his lifetime contributions to cinema. The festival aims at making international cinema accessible to all the Mumbaikars.

The main venue for the festival is IMAX Wadala alongside YB Chavan Center where a considerable number of films will be screened.