Meera plays sister

The national award winning actress Meera Jasmine is playing sister to superstar Shivarajkumar in Kannada film 'Devaru Kotta Thangi'. She is replacing Radhika who was the permanent sister to Shivarajakumar on Kannada screen.

Meera Jasmine has been a screen stealer in Kannada too from her earlier two films 'Mourya and Arasu' both starring Puneeth Rajakumar. She has liked the sister portion of the script narrated by director Om Saiprakash. Known for tearjerker films like 'Thavarige Baa Thangi, Anna Thangi, Thavarina Siri etc., director Saiprakash the veteran in the field is producing this film.

Meanwhile the similar title 'Devaru Kotta Thangi' film starring Dr.Rajakumar, Jayanthi, B.V.Radha, Narasimharaju directed by KSL Swamee was made in the beginning of 1973. After 35 years the similar title is repeating on Kannada screen starring son of Dr.Rajakumar ' Shivarajakumar. The earlier similar example was 'Anna Thangi'. Dr.Rajakumar and B.Sarojadevi played lead roles in the yesteryears while Shivarajkumar, Radhika played lead roles and earned massive profit for producer K.Prabhakar.