PK-Trivikram film launch today

Power star Pawan Kalyan, who's on a signing spree, recently launched his upcoming film with Tamil filmmaker RT Nesan and simultaneously, he's busy filming for Dolly directorial 'Katamarayudu', which is scheduled to hit screens on 29th March.On other hand, the actor-and-politician Pawan Kalyan's Jana Sena announced his next political meet meet in Anantapur. In the meanwhile, it is learnt that Powerstar will be launching his next landmark film under the direction of Trivikram Srinivas. Scheduled to launch on Saturday morning at 10:40AM in Filmnagar, Hyderabad, the 'PSPK23' will mark the third collaboration of actor Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram. Both of them previously delivered two blockbusters- Jalsa and Attarintiki Daredi.Director Trivikram is currently busy finishing the pre-production work of this untitled film, which is tentatively titled as 'Devude Digivachina'. To be rolled out by Radha Krishna under Haarika & Haasini creations, the film is aimed at boosting Pawan's political career before polls.