Sneha not to dub for herself

You might be surprised to hear that Deepa Venkat is dubbing for Sneha in her forthcoming move 'Pandi'. Why the lass should prefer others' voice when she did a fine job in Karu Pazhaniappan's 'Pirivom Santhippom', you might ask.

Actually Sneha dubbed for her role in 'Pirivom Santhippom' just because of the insistence of the director. Though her voice and dialogue delivery were widely appreciated, she has decided not to dub for her roles.

Reason? The process, which is supposed to be completed in three days, gets delayed because of Sneha's pronunciation problems.

Apart from the time factor, the dubbing is not lucrative either. No one is going to pay separately for dubbing. More importantly, if you restrict yourself with just acting, you will get payment immediately after finishing the last shot of the movie but if you chose to dub for yourself, the final settlement would get delayed till the dubbing is over.

Sneha, a shrewd professional that she is, doesn't want to give up the advantages of 'no dubbing' scenario and hence she has decided to stay away from dubbing. However, she would venture in to dubbing for the films which offer her meaty roles, which could eventually fetch her some awards. It is a well known fact that no performance will be taken into consideration for National Awards if the artistes do not dub for themselves.