Soundarya Gets Her First Tattoo

Soundarya Jayamala is following in the footsteps of her peers in the film industry and got herself a body tattoo in the weekend. Soundarya, who made her debut last year alongside Upendra in the film Godfather says that getting a tattoo is not as easy as it made to sound. She realised that it also pains.

She has said, "Anyone that tells you tattoos don't hurt, are lying! It hurts like crazy but nothing you cant take." Now we believe the paparazzi will try to spot the tattoo whenever Soundarya makes a public appearance.

Meanwhile the actress rescued two pups earlier in the week. Two pups that were dumped in a gutter on July 27. She has adopted them and took them to a veterinarian for a checkup. No doubt Jayamala is proud of her 'activist' daughter.