Teenagers Urge Chennai 600028 to be released on April 27


The producers, SP Charan and JK Saravana and the director, Venkat Prabhu, of the much awaited Chennai 600028 received more then 2000 emails urging them to postpone the release of Chennai 600028.

Hence, the team took a last minute decision last night to honor the request of the Indian teenagers.

Currently, the Board Examinations are in progress for students all around Tamil Nadu.

Hundreds of students sent constant emails to the Chennai 600028 Team through their official website, www.chennai600028.com . However, just in the last 3 days the volume of emails grew to thousands.

This clicked the panic button among the young and energetic Chennai 600028 team.

The team has taken a decision which has never been explored before in the Tamil Film Industry!

Hats off to Chennai 600028!!