Todays Mahabharatha


Trying to present the great epic Mahabharatha in the form of a three hour movie is not just difficult, but is almost near to impossible.

Getting inspired from the epic would be a much better idea for the practical minded persons.

And who is that practical minded person?

It's none other than the acclaimed director Prakash Jha.

A film whose story is set up in the modern political world but with characters made up of personal traits of the main characters in Mahabharatha like Arjuna, Bheema, Karna etc is circling in the mind of the ace director Prakash Jha.

Some parts of Mahabharatha will be adapted into the film 'Rajniti' as part of the core story that takes the film forward.

Ajay Devagan is tipped to play the role of Karna and Manoj Bajpai is to represent Duryodhana.

It's going to be a treat watching the bollywood actors giving life to the legendry personalities of Mahabharatha.