Intel nabs Guinness world record for flying a bunch of drones

Chipmaker Intel has another feather in its cap.

The company last week was awarded a Guinness World Record for flying the most unmanned aerial vehicles at the same time. According to Guinness, Intel was able to fly 100 small, light-equipped drones simultaneously, creating an interesting array of light in the night sky.

The event was held in November (see video below), but news broke last week during Intel CEO Brian Krzanich's keynote speech at CES. Ars Electronica Futurelab worked alongside Intel to set the new record.

While a Guinness World Record will do little to actually help Intel sell its products, it's indicative of its focus.

Intel has, for the last couple of years, been focusing heavily on expanding its presence in drones and the Internet of Things. The company believes that the two industry growth areas will be critical to its future as sales of computers and servers that rely on its chips continue to slow.

Indeed, during his keynote at CES, Krzanich spent much of his time talking about Internet of Things and drones, indicating that the company plans to play a central role in that effort going forward. Some of those drones were on display at a "drone rodeo" held at CES; check out our photos in the slideshow above.

Intel will have some competition as rival Qualcomm is doing the same, while several other major firms are also expected to join the drone race.