"Pyramid Saimira is producing Marmayogi" - Kamal Haasan

by mymazaa.com

There has been lot of web/press coverages regarding the film MARMAYOGI. Almost all of them were based upon unsubstantlated rumours and to set the records straight, Pyramid Saimira Group issues the following clarifications:

The film marmayogi is a tri-lingual in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu and plans are there to produce this natively in English as well. This is a high-cost, high-value project. We would not like to specify the exact cost of the project at this point.

The film is based on the detailed story of Mr. Kamal Haasan and Mr. Kamal Haasan is directing the film apart from acing in its lead-role.

The film is produced by M/s Pyramid Saimira International Limited and M/s Rajkamal International Ltd.

A formal agreement has been signed between the parties and a detailed planning for the project is going at frantic phase. The project will be a land-mark project in the technical as well as cinematic qualities and would try to project Indian cinema internationally in the best possible manner.

In a project of this mega-size, the decisions of lead artists, technicians and other key people are always taken jointly and with utmost care and consideration and therefore, questions of confusions on this matter does not arise.

The Project of this size and nature could not be implemented without a proper exploitation plan and viability study. No company/organized entity would undertake such a huge project with misplaced assumptions and heuristics. Pyramid saimira has made a detailed study on the exploitation of this film and feels that this project will bring adequate profit to all stake holders befitting the risk taken by them.

A press note issued by M/s Rajkamal International is also enclosed.

Kamal Haasan:

Dear Sirs,

I am constrained to write this note to the media. In recent times my film Marma Yogi has been written about a lot. While I am grateful for the coverage, I have to point out that most of the reporting is inaccurate and imaginary. Especially the news item that Rajkamal Films International is planning to produce the film with some company other than Pyramid Saimira Group and another publication which says we have pulled out of the deal with pyramid Saimira Group.

Rajkamal Films International has signed an agreement with Pyramid Saimira Group. Any news to the countrary is a slur on our bonafide partnership. Any union should have consenting partners. One-sided intent does not constitute a partnership and claim to such a union apart from being inaccurate could also become illegal.

In this new era of business discipline concluding deals through the media is not a healthy option at all.

I am well aware that the respected members of the fourth estate are keen on being the first with the "scoop". I am also aware that journals and news papers of repute would certainly pride themselves on accuracy along with immediacy.

In this case, reports contrary to the business deal already struck between Rajkamal Films International & Pyramid Saimira Group, are inaccurate and immature. While I thank most members of the press who have refrained from publishing such concocted stories, we request those who indulge in such inaccurate reporting to contract our respective publicity departments, who will furnish you with accurate information on a need-to-know basis.

Rajkamal Films International and Pyramid Saimira Group are poised to launch Marma Yogi, a multi-lingual multimillion dollar magnum opus, very soon.

Please allow us the decorum of presenting our product in best light.

Thank you,

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