Care health
USDA seeking proposals for production of bird flu vaccine
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is taking bids from animal health companies for a bird flu vaccine.The department's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service says it's preparing for the possible return this fall of the H5N2 virus that resulted in the death of 48…
Teens may not drink or smoke if friends are counseled not to
Teens may be less likely to drink and smoke if their friends participate in substance abuse prevention programs, a recent U.S. study suggests.Researchers focused on sixth graders in rural communities in Pennsylvania and Iowa who attended schools that offered seven weeks of counseling to…
Is butter back? The truth about this favorite fat
Read enough health studies and you come to realize darn near every theory has one study proving one thing and another study proving the exact opposite. It's a cold, confusing world out there, and though science tries to make sense of it all, absolute truths…
Long-term health effects of chewing nicotine gum
From patches to hypnosis to pills and even gum, there are many ways to quit smoking. But is there a downside to these common treatments?We received this question from reader: Dear Dr. Manny,What are the long-term effects of using nicotine gum?Thanks, Theresa…
4 secrets your man might be keeping from you
How many times have you had an inkling that your guy is keeping something bottled up? A lot of men aren’t accustomed to talking through weaknesses or vulnerabilities—which means you could get a shoulder shrug or an “Everything’s fine.” Which, you know, isn’t exactly reassuring…
5 secrets to make you fall in love with Windows 10
Windows 10 is finally here! If you hated Windows 8, you're most likely in love with Windows 10. Of course, you might still be waiting for your chance to download the upgrade, because Microsoft is rolling it out in stages. Or you could also be…
Meningitis epidemic threat in West Africa, but few vaccines
International health officials are scrambling, without much success, to find meningitis C vaccines as an outbreak of the child-killing disease threatens to balloon into an epidemic. The first large-scale outbreak of the C strain in decades has this year killed 800 of 12,000 infected people…
Eating oily fish may help kids avoid nasal allergies
Children who eat certain types of fish may be less likely to develop nasal allergies, according to a study from Sweden.Researchers studied what children ate at age eight and then monitored whether they developed nasal inflammation due to allergies or colds by age 16.…
Most picky eating harmless but it can still signal emotional woes
Parents of picky eaters take heart: New research suggests the problem is rarely worth fretting over, although in a small portion of kids it may signal emotional troubles that should be checked out. Preschool-aged children who are extremely selective about what they eat and dislike…
Man’s tattoo supporting deaf daughter goes viral
A photo of a New Zealand girl wearing her cochlear implant sitting with her father, who has a tattoo of a cochlear implant on his shaved head, has gone viral.Alistair Campbell, of Taupo, New Zealand, shaved his head completely and got the tattoo to…
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