Care health

Killers In Your Bathroom!

Diseases never discriminate and no one has complete immunity against infection. All we can do is decrease the likelihood of being infected and by being as hygienic as possible. Proper hygiene practices go a long way in ensuring that one stays healthy. Sanitation practices start…

Blueberries, apples tied to lower diabetes risk

Eating more blueberries, apples and pears may be linked to lower risk of diabetes, according to a new U.S. study. These fruits are loaded with flavonoids, a natural compound present in certain fruits, vegetables and grains, which some research has tentatively tied to heath benefits…

US ad campaign shows smoking's scary side

U.S. health officials launched a $54 million advertising campaign on Thursday depicting the health risks of smoking in gruesome detail, offering the latest salvo in the government's campaign to deglamorize cigarette smoking. The 12-week advertising blitz, called "Tips From Former Smokers," is an effort to…

Measles posing outbreak threat in parts of KP

Deficiency of measles vaccine in Chitral and Malakand is posing outbreak threat of the disease. The health department has declared the two areas as sensitive.Deputy Director of Anti-Polio campaign Health department Dr Jan Baz Afridi said here on Monday that there are possibilities of…

Many with cancer pain aren't on strong painkillers

Despite suffering severe pain, about one in three older cancer patients do not end up taking opioids, the most potent of analgesics, according to a new study from Canada.It's not clear why these patients are not getting their pain treated with opioids, which include…

Doctor looks to China for spinal injury 'cure'

One of the world's leading researchers into spinal cord injuries says China could hold the key to a cure that he has been searching for since he met late actor Christopher Reeve in the 1990s.US-based Doctor Wise Young first used the word "cure" in…

Weighing the benefits of balance training

Dick Sandhaus, a healthy and fit 62-year old, says he never gave his balance a thought until he lost it.A wicked sprained ankle was the result. Now he practices balancing for a few minutes each day and urges his fellow baby boomers to do…

Taking vitamin E linked to osteoporosis

Japanese scientists say they have found a link between consumption of vitamin E and the degenerative bone condition osteoporosis, in a study likely to shed new light on the use of supplements.Researchers found that giving mice increased doses of the vitamin to a level…

People urged to adopt healthy lifestyle

Renowned experts of the country have urged common people to adopt healthy lifestyle, refrain from smoking, alcohol, exercise daily and use balanced died to prevent themselves from heart ailments, strokes, diabetes, hypertension and mental illnesses.The health experts, each of whom is considered master of…

Around 977,119 school kids vaccinated against Hepatitis-B: says official

Provincial Manager Chief Minister's Initiative for Hepatitis Prevention and Control Programme Sindh, Dr. Abdul Majeed Chhutto informed here on Friday that out of six million targeted school-going children around 9,77,119 have so far been vaccinated against Hepatitis- B.Giving details, he said out of 9,77,119…