Care health

Coffee drinking not linked to chronic illness: study

Coffee drinkers have no more risk of getting illnesses such as heart disease or cancer, and are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, according to a German study involving more than 40,000 people over nearly a decade.The findings, published in the American Journal…

Common sleeping pills linked with higher death risks

Commonly prescribed sleeping pills are linked to manifold risk of premature death, says a study.These medications were also associated at higher doses with a 35-percent increased risk of cancer as compared with non-users, but the reason for this is unclear.Doctors led by Daniel…

Patient dies after Turkey quadruple limb transplant

A Turkish patient who underwent what was touted as the world's first quadruple limb transplant died on Monday due to complications, the hospital announced.Fifty-two doctors from Ankara's Hacettepe University Hospital performed the transplant on Friday, attaching two arms and two legs to Sevket Cavdar.…

Study links high fiber to healthy gums in elderly

U.S. researchers who followed healthy male veterans for up to 24 years found that older men who ate more high-fiber fruits were less likely to show signs of gum disease.For more than 600 men participating in a long-running Veterans Affairs dental study, each serving…

Alcohol in movies linked to child boozing

Stars who knock back whisky, wine or beer in a movie are an invisible but potent force in prompting youngsters to experiment with alcohol or binge-drink, a large US study published on Tuesday suggests.Major exposure to scenes of alcohol consumption in movies is a…

Cold-water baths may soothe aches, risks

Taking a dip in a tub of cold water after exercising may prevent muscle soreness, but a new look at past research says little is known about its side effects or even how long to stay in the water.In general, the researchers said there…

Siblings' brain scans may hold key to addictions

Drug addicts and their non-addicted siblings share certain features in the brain, suggesting a susceptibility to addiction is inherited but is also a flaw that can be overcome, scientists said on Thursday.Researchers who scanned the brains of 50 pairs of brothers and sisters of…

Air pollution raises heart attack risk

Breathing air pollutants raises the risk of having a heart attack, a new review suggested.Other studies have linked air pollution levels to hospital admissions and deaths from cardiovascular disease. But making that link for heart attacks has been controversial, since the research has been…

Aspirin could beat cancer spread: study

Aspirin and other household drugs may inhibit the spread of cancer because they help shut down the chemical "highways" which feed tumours, Australian researchers said Tuesday.Scientists at Melbourne's Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre said they have made a biological breakthrough helping explain how lymphatic vessels…

Healthy environment, active daily life help to cure insomnia

A person's surrounding atmosphere and active daily life are important helpful factors to cure the disease of insomnia.Talking to PTV, Psychiatrist Aysha Mokim Qurashi said on Monday insomnia has many kinds such as primary and transitory insomnia. Sleeplessness in patches leads to chronic condition…