Care health

Gluten-free vegan diet can cure arthritis

Do you have any problem with arthritis? Don’t know how to tackle them, and then read on to know …The diet which is gluten-free can cause relief to the joints, and at the same time reduces the risk of heart failures and a joint…

Obesity can cause irreparable damage to knees

Being morbidly obese could permanently damage your knees, says a new study.The investigation included a group of morbidly obese patients with knee osteoarthritis who were evaluated before and after bariatric surgery or surgically-assisted weight loss.Patients lost an average of 51 pounds or 23…

Raspberry extract can beat colon cancer

Raspberry extract has been found to kill stomach and colon cancer cells.Researchers from Clemson University in the US said that 90 percent of these cells were destroyed when exposed to an extract of red Meeker raspberries, a popular variety in the US.Anti-oxidants in…

New protein drives prostate cancer cells to ’suicide’

Scientists have identified a protein that halts growth of prostate cancer cells and even drives them to commit ’suicide’.A drug that boosts levels of the protein, called FUS, could stop the disease from spreading, saving many of the thousands of lives claimed by the…

Watermelon lowers blood pressure

Watermelon, apart from being rich in nutrients, has been found to lower pre-hypertension, a precursor to cardio diseases.Assistant professor Arturo Figueroa and Professor Bahram H. Arjmandi of the Florida State University conducted the study on the health benefits of watermelon.They found that extracts…

Poor kidney function gives early warning of heart disease

Poor kidney function could be an early warning of heart disease and stroke, two studies have found.In the first study, researchers from Taiwan and the US found that a low fluid rate through the kidneys was linked to a higher risk of stroke in…

Turmeric helps fight cancer

Curcumin, an extract of root turmeric, could destroy chemotherapy-resistant cancer cells and help fight the disease.This could improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy and also help prevent the condition from returning.Researchers at the University of Leicester in Britain have been using curcumin to target…

B-Vitamins ease depression among stroke victims

Victims of stroke who regularly take B-vitamins are better able to combat depression.Researchers demonstrated for the first time that they could reduce the risk of depressive symptoms after stroke with the help of vitamins, said Osvaldo Almeida, research director at The Western Australian Centre…

Over-the-counter cold remedies can lead to drowsiness

Over-the-counter cough and cold remedies could make you drowsy, similar to being drunk, and unsafe on the roads, warn doctors.Over-the-counter medication, as well as prescription drugs, can lead to drowsiness which is similar to being drunk, says a medical expert.Warnings on packets of…

Binge drinking doubles heart attack risk

Binge drinkers are at twice the risk of a heart attack than those who consume the same amount but spread it over a week.Researchers, led by Jean-Bernard Ruidavets from the Toulouse University in France, examined almost 10,000 healthy men aged between 50 and 59…