Care health

That to Fat burning food

Here is list of fat burning foods...Fruits rich in vitamin C like limes, lemons, oranges, guava, grapefruit and tangerines have fat burning properties . Vitamin C dilutes the fat and makes it less effective and helps in releasing the fat from the body.Nuts…

Equation for calculating calories (lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks)

I found this in the 12/04 issue of Fitness magazine and thought it was interesting. It takes into account a persons age, height, and activity level. By using your goal weight (10 pounds lighter) in the equation, you automatically eat fewer calories. Im not sure…

Health Benefits of Playing Badminton

It is a well-known fact that indulging in aerobic sports activity like badminton gives multiple health benefits and promotes longevity.In fact it has been found that playing badminton till you get an increase in heart rate or mild breathlessness regularly in middle age lowers…

How to Manage Diabetes Effectively - Normalize Blood Sugar Naturally

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a disorder that is characterized by elevation of glucose levels in blood. The carbohydrates that we consume get converted in to glucose, and hormone insulin secreted by pancreas breaks down the glucose, makes it enter body cells and release energy…

Chinese Herbs for Diabetes

In Chinese Medicine, diabetes is considered to be a condition of disharmony in the body called Wasting and Thirsting Syndrome. Diabetics can often experience symptoms of severe thirst and hunger while losing weight. The ancient Chinese noticed these tendencies, and identified the condition according to…

Recharge your Muscles

Is an easy workout a bad thing?I found myself asking the same question to David Jack as I prepared to return to the gym after my hiatus. After all, I’m used to the muscle-aching workouts created by masterminds like Alwyn Cosgrove, Todd Durkin, and…

The Secret to Better Health

I’ve learned a lot of great tips that have improved how I train, eat, and recover. But the best tip I received recently came from Todd Durkin, owner of Fitness Quest 10. Durkin specializes in training professional athletes, so he knows a little bit about…

Do We Need More Infection Protection ?

Some outpatient facilities may have more lapses in infection control than you’d think: According to a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, about two-thirds of ambulatory surgical centers have at least one problem with infection control.Ambulatory surgical centers are facilities…

What Your MP3 Player Is Doing to Your Hearing ?

If you think that cranking your music won’t cause hearing problems until years down the road, you might want to keep reading.Turns out, listening to MP3 players can cause immediate temporary changes in your hearing sensitivity, according to a new study in the Archives…

The Bad Effects of Anger

Have you been angry? Good for you if you have not experienced such state. Anger is unpredictable, it could blow out its ferocity little at a time or just ones with a big blow.Anger is common among people who live through less ideal home…