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Chathrigalu Sir Chathrigalu Movie Reviews

Chathrigalu Sir Chathrigalu Review


It started with Kurigalu Sir Kurigalu, more than a decade ago. The saga of three leading men, half-morons but good at heart, continued in sequels and rip-offs. Now the three leading men have come together yet again with Chatrigalu Sir Chatrigalu, which leaves no doubts about the legacy it carries.
However, there is one glaring difference. This film has out-and-out adult jokes. The earlier films just touched upon such issues. They tried to be family entertainers. This film is also a rip-roaring comedy but you cannot take children to the film as there are loads of adult jokes.
There is nothing new with the story. Three overgrown adults without any source of income try to earn easy money. Ramesh Aravind, S Narayan and Mohan play these three men. Each one has to find ways to make easy money to win their girlfriends. All three get into trouble and get together to steal a diamond from Mohan's house. All the characters are created to induce surprise and laughs. Umashree for example plays an middle-aged woman married to an old man (Shivaram). He is unable to consummate the marriage. In fact, all problems of almost all characters has sexual connotations.
In the end, it is the predictable chaos and comedy of errors. What works for the film is the somewhat new situations and scenes. Though the story is predictable, the scenes are not. Some of the scenes are too adult for children and if you are watching with the family. If you are with friends, you can enjoy it to the hilt.
The characters that stand out are that of Sadhu Kokila and of Umashree. This is a summer special by veteran S Narayan. The lyrics in the songs are also interesting. Enjoy the fun.