Whiskey Chicken Wing Recipe

Preparation Time
Difficulty Moderately easy
Occasion Dinner Party
Recipe Type Dinner
Cuisine Chinese Cuisine

Whiskey Chicken Wing


Ingredient Quantity Calories Fat Cholestrol
Chicken 3 kilogram 4950 105 25.5
Whiskey 0.25 cup 130
Soy Sauce 0.25 cup 33.15 0.02
Sugar 0.33 cup 255.42
Ginger 0.25 teaspoon 2.73
Garlic 0.25 teaspoon 2.03 0.01
Corn Starch 1 teaspoon 11.55
5384.88 105.03 25.5

Preparation Method

  1. 1 Cut Chicken wings in thirds, discarding tip.
  2. 2 Cook wings for 1/2 hour at 425 degrees Fahrenheit without sauce in the oven.
  3. 3 While wings are cooking, mix in a saucepan on top of the stove Whiskey, Soy Sauce, Sugar, Ginger and Garlic Powder.
  4. 4 Then add Corn Starch to thicken.
  5. 5 Pour sauce over the wings and bake an additional 1/2 hour at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.