Potato in Bombay Duck Recipe

Preparation Time
Difficulty Easy
Occasion Dinner Party
Recipe Type Dinner
Cuisine West India

The Bombay duck or bummalo (Harpadon nehereus, Bengali: bamaloh or loita, Gujarati: bumla, Marathi: bombil) is, despite its name, not a duck but a lizardfish.


Ingredient Quantity Calories Fat Cholestrol
Duck 8 nos
Chilli powder 1 tablespoon 1.6
Turmeric Powder 1 tablespoon 6
Potato 1 nos 147.61 0.21
Lemon Juice 1 tablespoon 3.5
Salt 1 as required 0
Green Chillies 2 nos 7.2
Garlic 3 clove 13.41 0.06
179.32 0.27 0

Preparation Method

  1. 1 Marinate the Bombay Ducks and Potato with Chili powder, Turmeric Powderr powder, Lemon Juice, green Chilieses chopped finely and Salt, mix the ingredients well and keep aside for 1/2 an hour.
  2. 2 Heat Oil in a vessel and add in smashed Garlic Flakes, when the flakes turn slightly brown add the marinated Bombay Ducks and simmer for a while, add the thinly slice Potato.
  3. 3 Cover the vessel let it cook in its own Water.
  4. 4 After it is cooked garnish it with Coriander Seedss leaves.
  5. 5 Serve Hot.