Chilli Paneer Recipe

Preparation Time
Difficulty Moderately easy
Occasion Dinner Party, Bonefire Party, Birthday Party, Picnic Recipes, Party
Recipe Type Curry, Breakfast, Dinner
Cuisine Chinese Cuisine

Chilli Paneer is made from soft cheese. It is a very popular appetizer in Indian Restaurants. Chilli Paneer is a spicy-yummy dish made out of soft cheese that is fried with Indian spices along with soya sauce and vinegar.


Ingredient Quantity Calories Fat Cholestrol
Paneer 400 gram 1608 132 4
Green Chillies 10 nos 36 0 0
Soy Sauce 2 tablespoon 31.82 0.02
All purpose flour 2 tablespoon 42.6
Corn Flour 3 tablespoon 157.59 1.41
Ajinomoto 0.25 teaspoon 20
Spring Onion 5.5 tablespoon 418 1485
Garlic 1 tablespoon 24.32 0.08
Oil 3 tablespoon 725.76 102 0.03
Salt 1 as required 0
3064.09 1720.51 4.03

Preparation Method

  1. 1 Cut the Paneer according to your choice, sprinkle maida flour, Cornall all purpose flour, finely chopped green Chilieses, Pepper Powder and Soy Sauce and mix well.
  2. 2 Fry the Paneer pieces in hot Oil and put the pieces on tissue paper, so as it absorbs the Oil.
  3. 3 For the sauce, heat Oil in a pan, add the Spring Onion and Garlic pieces and fry for sometime, then add the green Chilies. Make a paste with Cornall all purpose flour and little Water and keep aside.
  4. 4 Pour Soy Sauce, Pepper Powder, Ajinomoto, Salt according to taste.
  5. 5 Add some Water in the pan and once it starts bOiling, add Cornall all purpose flour paste and Paneer pieces and cook for a few minutes.
  6. 6 Remove from the fire and serve hot.