Methi Fenugreek Pulao Recipe

Preparation Time
Difficulty Moderately easy
Occasion Bonefire Party
Recipe Type Dinner
Cuisine South Indian

Methi Fenugreek Pulao is a very simple yet delicious rice dish that can be had all by itself or be served with other dishes. We had this at a friend’s place and were floored by the color and the flovor of this presentation.


Ingredient Quantity Calories Fat Cholestrol
Fenugreek Leaves Puree 1 bunch 0.98
Rice 2 cup 1460 2.64
Oil 2 tablespoon 483.84 68 0
Cumin Seed 0.5 teaspoon 3.8 0.21
Tomato 1 nos 14.96
Turmeric Powder 0.5 teaspoon 1.43
Green Chillies 2 nos 7.2
Red Chili Powder 2 teaspoon 28.8 0.42
Coriander Powder 1 tablespoon 17.34 0.16
Salt 2 pinch 0
Water 4 cup 0
2018.35 71.43 0

Preparation Method

  1. 1 Chop the roots and the thick stems off the bunch of fenugreek leave.
  2. 2 Wash well and finely chop the rest.
  3. 3 Sprinkle a generous amount of Salt on the leaves, mix and keep aside for 15-20 minutes.
  4. 4 Wash the Rice well and soak in some Water and keep aside for 20 minutes.
  5. 5 In a pan (that has a tight fitting lid), heat Oil on medium heat.
  6. 6 Once the Oil is hot, add in the Cumin Seed and allow them to change color.
  7. 7 Add in green Chilieses and Tomatos, Turmeric Powderr Powder.
  8. 8 Squeeze out the Water from the fenugreek leave and put them in the pan.
  9. 9 Add in Coriander Seedss Powder and Red Chili Powder.
  10. 10 Cook for a couple of minutes.
  11. 11 Drain the Water from the Rice and add the Rice to the Methi Leaves.
  12. 12 Cook for 2 minutes.
  13. 13 Add the Water and mix well.
  14. 14 Check on the Salt, add in needed.
  15. 15 Increase the heat, and allow the Rice to cook Till most of the Water has evaporated and you can see the Rice come up to the surface.
  16. 16 Mix, lower heat, preferably to simmer and cover. Cook for 15 minutes.
  17. 17 After 15 minutes, open cover, turn off the heat, mix/fluff gently.
  18. 18 Cover and allow the Rice to rest for a couple of minutes before serving.
  19. 19 Serve hot with Raita and pickle.