Sesame Stuffed Rice Cakes Recipe

Preparation Time
Difficulty Moderately easy
Occasion Diwali , Birthday Party, Party
Recipe Type Cake, Sweet
Cuisine North East India

Sesame Stuffed Rice Cakes may be any kind of food item made from rice that has been shaped, condensed, or otherwise combined into a single object. A wide variety of rice cakes exist in many different cultures in which rice is eaten, and are particularly prevalent in Asia. Common variations include cakes made with rice flour, those made from ground rice, and those made from whole grains of rice compressed together or combined with some other binding substance.


Ingredient Quantity Calories Fat Cholestrol
Rice 2 cup 1460 2.64
Jaggery 100 gram 250
Sesame Seeds 80 gram 462.16 6.88
Water 4 cup 0
2172.16 9.52 0

Preparation Method

  1. 1 Soak the Rice overnight in Water.
  2. 2 Drain excess Water and grind it carefully.
  3. 3 Roast Sesame Seedss and pound them to remove their outer shell.
  4. 4 Cut Jaggery into small chips and combine the Sesame Seedss with it.
  5. 5 Heat the griddle and spread the Rice powder over it to the size of Puri with the help of a ladle.
  6. 6 While it is being roasted, put the stuffing of Jaggery and sesame mixture in its middle.
  7. 7 As and when the Rice powder gets firm, fold its sides to cover the stuffing.
  8. 8 Turn it over and heat lightly before taking it off from the fire. Ensure that Jaggery doesn't melt and flow out.
  9. 9 Til Peetha is ready to eat.