Milk Kova Recipe

Preparation Time
Difficulty Easy
Occasion Birthday Party
Recipe Type Sweets
Cuisine South Indian

A concentration of milk to one-fifth volume is normal in the production of khoa. Khoa is used as the base for a wide variety of Indian sweets. About 600,000 metric tons are produced annually in India. Khoa is made from both cow and water buffalo milk.


Ingredient Quantity Calories Fat Cholestrol
Milk 1 litre 418 8.1 4
Milk Powder 1 cup 390 4
Butter 0.5 cup 813.8 92.05 2.39
1621.8 104.15 6.39

Preparation Method

  1. 1 Take a pan and heat Butter in it.
  2. 2 Remove the pan from the fire and combine Milk Powder to it, mix well.
  3. 3 Now add sweet Condensed Milk to it and simmer for about 4-6 minutes, keep stirring the mixture.
  4. 4 When bubbles appear remove the pan and let it cool.
  5. 5 Cut Paal Gova into desired shapes and serve.