Dood Peda Recipe

Preparation Time
Difficulty Easy
Occasion Diwali
Recipe Type Sweets
Cuisine South Indian

Doodhpeda is desiccated sweetened pure and fresh milk ready to eat sweet with smooth, granular texture. It is A.P’s traditional sweet and the most favourite choice of all.


Ingredient Quantity Calories Fat Cholestrol
Milk 1 cup 101.99 1.98 0.98
Sugar 0.75 cup 580.5
Cardamom 4 nos 1056 17.6
Ghee 1 as required 46.15 5 1.3
1784.64 24.58 2.28

Preparation Method

  1. 1 Heat Milk on medium flame and allow it to bOil.
  2. 2 Then stir constantly Till it becomes semi-solid or khoa is formed.
  3. 3 Mix Sugar. Lower the flame.
  4. 4 Continue stirring Till the mixture thickens and leaves the sides of the vessel.
  5. 5 Drop a sample of the mixture on a plate, and press between finger and thumb, when cool.
  6. 6 If it does not stick, remove from flame. Add Cardamom Powder.
  7. 7 Mix well.
  8. 8 Take small part on the palm and shape into round balls.
  9. 9 Flatten a bit. Lay them on a plate smeared with Ghee.
  10. 10 Store in a container, when cool.